Round 2 begins now fight!
about 8 hours ago via mobile web
Starting summaries tomorrow skim reading. Quick quick I hope.
about 16 hours ago via mobile web
@KerryleeCckrell feeling you on that one it is taking long I look like zombie and must still do summaries.
about 18 hours ago via mobile web in reply to KerryleeCckrell
I'm drowning in this Com Science project, help me pls!!!!
2:51 AM May 19th via web
if i do all of this then i'm the champ no doubt, last minute PR will soon be established.
12:49 AM May 19th via web
Relax take it easy! No doubt, we stress over things we cant change move on and forget about it.
9:34 AM May 18th via mobile web
I can't wait to work for the world cup and earn some rands.
4:49 AM May 18th via mobile web
Got a big day ahead of me but, still going to take it easy no doubt.
11:02 PM May 17th via mobile web
I'm loving life right now it's a constant rush and everything feels like a blur, don't know what to make sense of anymore.
7:34 AM May 17th via web
i just can't start research methodology
7:05 AM May 17th via web
Let the blogging begin!!
3:45 AM May 17th via web
right in the media lab and ready for action! it's so pleasant here wish i could stay here for the duration of my studies.
12:30 AM May 17th via web
Tried to finish all my outstanding blogs however e-learning lab had no internet on 80% of computers, the joys of CPUT
8:14 AM May 16th via mobile web
@AndreaMeyer2010 hey are you in the media lab?
3:51 AM May 16th via mobile web in reply to AndreaMeyer2010
I think that today is a good day to start all my work and finish all outstanding blogs and marks.
11:26 PM May 15th via mobile web
Stomers you go boyz. Next win waratahs!
9:36 AM May 15th via mobile web
This the losers movie is putting me to sleep, gosh simple plot as well as a pathetic dialogue couldn't ask for more.
2:01 PM May 14th via mobile web
Just got an lcd tv now from my grandma, she has to be the greatest in the world!
8:29 AM May 14th via mobile web
@schilwan yes i am going to see you soon...
12:47 AM May 14th via web in reply to schilwan
I want you to picture your favourite celebrityand what you like about them, now picture them taking a dump.
11:09 PM May 13th via mobile web
You probably wondering why all my tweets are up, the answer is simple where is the value in what other people say all they do is talk rubbish about the weather or what they up to, the put is why regard social media as a more powerful tool than what it actually is!
Social Media in the case of people blabbering about nothingness is definitely a form of endless rubbish.. however it can be used for great things as well like staying up to date with the latest trends and uniting people from all parts of the world togather through its platform.. Social Media in my VIEW.. ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCKS!
ReplyDeleteI get your point but you only doing it because you have to, it's compulsory. If you did not have to be on twitter and have a certain amount of tweets, your tweets would have meaning and/or be relevant. The problem is people and some compaies do not know how to use social media tools effectively.